miercuri, 10 februarie 2010

The Good Old Days! - Bauturile bunicilor!

1. Bayer’s Heroin
O sticla de Bayer’s Heroin, intre 1890 si 1910 se vindea ca substitut al morfinei. Se mai folosea pentru tratamentul tusei la copii.
(A bottle of Bayer’s heroin, between 1890 and 1910 was sold as a substitute for morphine. May be used to treat cough in children.)

2. Metcalf Coca Wine
Metcalf Coca Wine
Vinul asta era unul din sumedenia de vinuri cu cocaina de pe piata. Toata lumea zicea ca te face fericit si e bun ca si tratament medical.
(The wine that was one of the multitude of wines on the market with cocaine. Everybody said that makes you happy and good as medical treatment.)

3. Mariani Wine
3. Mariani Wine
Mariani Wine e de prin 1875. Era cel mai faimos vin cu coca din timpul ala. Papa Leo al 13-lea obisnuia sa care cu el mereu o sticluta cu faimosul vin. Producatorul vinului, Angelo Mariani a primit o medalie de aur din partea Vaticanului pentru acest vin.
(Mariani Wine of the 1875’s. It was the most famous wine with coca during that one. Pope Leo the 13th he always used to that with a bottle of the famous wine. Wine producer, Angelo Mariani received a gold medal from the Vatican for this wine.)

4. Maltine
4. Maltine
Era produs de Maltine Manufacturing Company of NewYork. Dupa cum vedeti in poza, a avut 10 medalii de aur. Era sugerat sa bei un pahar plin la masa sau dupa masa iar copiii jumatate de pahar.
(It was produced by Maltin Manufacturing Company of New York. As you can see in the picture, had 10 gold medals. It was suggested to drink a full glass on the table or afternoon half glass and children.)

5. Opium pentru astm
Opium pentru astm

6. Drajeuri cu cocaina
Drejeuri cu cocaina
Astea erau la moda prin 1900. Toti actorii, cantaretii, profesorii aveau la ei vestitele drajeuri.
(These were fashionable in 1900. All actors, singers, teachers had them famous tablets.)

7. Picaturi cu cocaina pentru dureri de dinti
Picaturi cu cocaina
Foarte populare in 1885, nu numai ca indepartau durerile dar faceau copiii fericiti!
(Very popular in 1885, not only remove the pain but makes children happy!)

8. Opium pentru nou nascuti
Iti dai seama cum adormeau micutii? Da` si ce visau… pe langa opiu, mai era si 46% alcool!!!
(You know how kids fell asleep? Yes `and that dream … besides opium, and in May was 46% alcohol!)

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