sâmbătă, 19 februarie 2011

Chanel Ads - Retrospective: 1988 – 1990

Chanel S.A., commonly known as "Chanel" (English pronunciation: /ʃəˈnɛl/), is a French fashion house founded by the late couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, recognized as one of the most established in haute couture, specializing in luxury goods (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others). She gained the name "Coco" while maintaining a career as a singer at a coffee shop in France. Chanel has always specialized in items such as simple suits, dresses, women's pants, and costume jewelry. Coco Chanel's vision was to replace such opulent, sexy pieces with items which conveyed casual elegance. Her designs and creations are timeless, considering that the basic silhouettes have remained consistent from generation to generation. Today, Chanel is most famous for the "little black dress" which has become a key item in most women's closets. According to Forbes, the privately held House of Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer who are the great-grandsons of the early (1924) Chanel partner Pierre Wertheimer. (cf wikipedia)

F/W 1989/1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990

S/S 1990


Picture source

Isn`t is almost "weird" to see luxury-clothing actually looking rich? I notice that the 90s were the last time when people showed off their wealth. Why did that change? Did Heroin Chic and two recessions erase that?

sâmbătă, 5 februarie 2011

Cele mai bune bloguri din 2010

Distinsa scriitoare , d-na Lucia Verona, organizeaza si in acest an Concursul Blog de blog – cele mai bune bloguri din 2010, anul acesta insa se întîmplă sub formă de leapşă. Leapsa am primit-o de la MrSPORT.

Iata si nominalizarile mele:

1. Marele premiu – Pentru că-mi place – -
2. Blog literar (cu trei secţiuni: critică, jurnal, creaţie) – Bookblog, Blog colectiv despre carti si filme
3. Blogul cu cel mai mult umor –Mos Califar
4. Cel mai bun cititor/comentator- –
5. Cel mai bun blog de păstrarea memoriei –--
6. Cel mai bun Blog politic/Blog economic –--
7. Cel mai informat blogger –---
8. Cel mai simpatic blogger/bloggeriţă – Ionut Puerava Blog
9. Cel mai bun blog al unui ziarist – Catalin Tolontan
10. Cel mai bun blog de discuţii/dezbateri –---
11. Cel mai bun blog vizual (foto, grafică) –Mircea Reştea blog , Andrei Pungovschi
12. Cel mai bun blog de sport – MrSPORT (www.mrsport.ro)
13. Cel mai bun blog de muzică – DivercityCafe - cel mai fresh blog de muzica
14. Cel mai combativ blog – -
15. Cel mai activ blogger –Daily Cotcodac

16. Cel mai bun pamfletar dintre bloggeri ––
17. Blogul pasiunii (profesiune, hobby). Aici vor intra blogurile culinare, de modă, de design, grădină, cîini-pisici, călătorii, colecţii. Desigur, juriul va putea să acorde mai multe premii, dacă va fi cazul. – Retete fara secrete, Teo's kitchen, LumeaMare
18. Premiul de popularitate – Blog, ca sa fiu trendy